Hooray! The nursery
Art Wall is up and ready to go, just in time for Mother's Day. Appropriately, preparing and coding this room for publish gave me a lot of worry and late nights. Thankfully, no dirty diapers were involved.
As you can tell, the artwork is pushing a bit toward the feminine. In a few weeks, it will get a mini-makeover and have a few more "snips and snails." Enjoy!
I'm sorry this room caused you worries and late nights, but that sure was a funny post. The room looks great too! Can't wait for the boy version, but I could be a bit biased as a mother of one son. :)
I love the nursery picks. so pretty! I am looking for some cool art for my laundry room..any suggestions? I would like them to have folded clothes, clothes pins...stuff along those lines.
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