Do you recognize the sweet print in the upper left-hand corner? That's Millie of Cutiepie Company's Lady in Red from Art Wall's Living Room wall. Millie has agreed to give us a peek into what makes her creative clock tick in the first of what will be many Art Wall interviews.
AW: Describe your aesthetic
Milly: Sweet with a hint of retro flavor.
AW: What is your favorite scene for creating?
Milly: Mainly in my home studio, with my doggie close by. Most of the distractions of daily life seem far away during those hours, and I feel a sense of quiet solitude. I usually like to work without any music either, though sometimes music will enhance my work.
AW: Where do you gather inspiration?
Milly: I draw inspiration from so many different places, so just to put it simply: by observing the world around me.
AW: What lead to the creation of your business?
Milly: The idea of starting my own business was something I found myself coming back to time and again, but there was the issue of what exactly my business would be. I have always been involved in one form or another of art and craft, and have had quite a healthy obsession with paper goods for as long as I can remember. I discovered Etsy a couple years ago, and then very quickly discovered the Gocco. Those were the last two pieces of the puzzle: I found a way to create things I enjoy and share them with others and at a low (financial) risk.
AW: What's your best piece of advice for creative types trying to make the jump?
Milly: Go ahead and give it a go! I know that although I still have a lot to learn, it has been a very rewarding experience. The opportunities we now have to start up a creative business via the internet with such small financial risk is something that I don't think existed before. There really isn't much to lose. Open up your own website, or join one (or all) of the many craft sites like Etsy, Dawanda, or Artfire.
AW: Wow, great advice. What was your first feeling of accomplishment in your business?
Milly: Probably my first online sale. To think that someone I had never met liked something that I made, and they liked it enough to buy it, was exciting.
AW: What is your next milestone?
Milly: My next milestone would be to have sales on a regular basis. Beyond that, it is my dream to have a viable business that i can financially sustain myself with.
AW: What's your favorite techy gadget (either purchased or desired?)
Milly: I have never been a huge techy gadget kind of person--I'm more of what you might call an analog junkie--vinyl records, film cameras, etc. I have to admit that I am now the happy owner of an iphone and am in LOVE with the Canon 5D Mark II digital camera.
AW: I love my iphone too. It was one of my first "business" purchases. Ha! OK, you win the lottery, what's your first purchase?
Milly: An Epson Stylus Pro 4880 (or higher) printer. I'm really coveting a professional high-quality printer.
AW: What's a teeny tiny little thing that makes you happy:
Milly: Enjoying a cup of hot coffee in the morning.
AW: Oh, isn't that just the best? I even go to bed thinking of it sometimes. OK, last question: what are 2 things about you that don't usually go together? Example: I have dreadlocks but I only shop at J-crew (not really but you get the picture.)
Milly: If you met me at my "day job" you would think I was an incredibly organized and orderly person. If you met me at home and especially if you caught a glimpse at my home studio, you would think I was the worst slob you ever met! It's as thought the two parts of my brain are constantly struggling, the part that wants order and structure and the part that thrives on chaos. My home studio looks like a craft store exploded in it!
AW: Ha! I can relate. Thanks so much for sharing a little piece of yourself with us today Milly, now go have that cup of coffee you were dreaming about.
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