inspired by: mood board

February 03, 2010

Can you tell I'm up to something? This collage is an assignment for an e-class I'm taking called Blogging Your Way, taught by Holly of Decor8 and Leslie of A Creative Mint. This week's assignment was to put together a "mood board" that represents the look and feel of your blog.

I incorporated the pool blue as my main background color, then stitched it to my folder using red thread (a little accent color, just like online). I used the stitching to also represent my love of sewing all things handmade in general. I grabbed a few of Jess Gonacha Swift's drawings for the site which I keep in a folder. There's a few images of art walls pinned to the board, one is from Domino Magazine and the other is from Dujour. I sewed bits of doilies in 2 corners to represent my love for pretty, girly things and tucked a few mini pieces of art inside. The photograph is by Alicia Bock and the parakeet is one of my favorite Gocco prints by AnnaKlara from Art Wall's Studio. It usually lives in my office and helps to keep things prettied-up in that tiny space. The glassine envelope has some beautiful stamps from the Phillipines from the Gocco swap I hosted last year. The stamps from one of the participants were too lovely to toss so I pegged them to the wall in my studio. I included a polaroid because I love the look of them and I use a pseudo "polaroid" frame now and then to highlight images in the blog. Last but not least is the logo card. I printed the image with my Gocco last year and (as anyone who uses this magical little contraption knows) printed this image on anything and everything I could get my hands on. I ended up with a nice little stack of stationery for thank-you notes and general business correspondence.

I really loved working on this little project, I've been so busy online lately that I haven't had much time for doing much with my hands besides typing. I've always enjoyed taking creative classes, learning new things and meeting people. I might pop in with a few more little hints at what we're working on throughout the next few weeks, stay tuned.


Lana {lanalou style} said...

Love your board, especially the red stitching! It looks amazing! I still have to do mine!
Also on BYW :)

frauheuberg said...

love it...shows the "face of your blog" in a really good way...;) exciting to look to all boards...mine is not finished...i work on it...the next days...but is so fun...thanks for sharing it...;)...and i like your blog very much...fine to be here...cheers ines

Linz said...

your mood board is perfection. i feel a certain mood just by looking at it, despite being surrounded by corporate concrete. love it!

Lilie said...

Oooh, preeetty! The doily pockets = pure genius!! It really does look just like your blog :D

GOSIA said...

Congrats! This is a visual treat but it is also so well thought over. The intellectual and the sensual united!

Cyn said...

Looks great, Katie. I've heard that blogging class has been very worthwhile. Glad you're enjoying it!

Amy / Handmade Evolution said...

this mood board is so pretty - just like your site! :)

MelanieO said...

Very nice, I like the blue :)

Anonymous said...

Lovely! Although I've never actually tried to make a mood board, they look difficult! Yours looks oh so fun and totally represents your site!

christy said...

this is exactly your site! I'm impressed... I'm in BYW, haven't started my mood board yet, but will be using what I come up with to re-design my blog. It looks like you already had your blog design well planned out & it still represents you 100% ?

Juliette said...

love that you stiched fabric into your folder! I really just love that! and a great collage to boot!

eline pellinkhof said...

love the stitshing! Great moodboard. Eline

Jutta said...

Love the blue with the red stiching on your mood board! It's so pretty, all of it. I still have mine to do... :)

sodapop DESIGN said...

Oh, how lovely this is. I love the colors – just like your blog ;) See you on BYW ... caro

monica said...

this is amazing! i just started an inspiration board, but my is not nearly is AMAZING as yours! so happy i stumbled across your blog...

can't wait to follow and read more!

Vineeta said...

Oh pretty pretty!!! I especially love that you actually stitched it with red. And those doilies in the corners is such a cool idea! I have yet to do mine & I'm not even around over the weekend- Will start to pull something together tomorrow. And this is great inspiration!

Jessie said...

It looks exactly like your blog! Great job... I especially like the stitching!! I'm trying to get mine finished by tomorrow...

Anonymous said...

Ohhh, yours is very, very cute too!!
Actually one of your pictures became one of my very important mottos for life: Live what you love! Thank you so much for that!
See you in class!

Annie said...

This is so great. It really represents your blog! I love the hand drawn chairs and photo of the frames - they come together so seamlessly! All the stitching and fabric and pins - love it!

Unknown said...

I love the stiched in doily corners and the color is yummy. Great b&w outlines

Merissa Revestir said...

Pool blue love♥ How cool are your stitched doily corners :) Pretty inspiration board.

haus maus said...

Pretty pretty pretty! You nailed it because it LOOKS and FEELS just like your blog and your personal style which I really like. You have such a clear vision of who you are and what you like, it's fantastic.

The Design Boards said...

Great mood board...I love it! I love the blue and the red stitching!

Leslie said...

Really captures your blog essence! Love the red stitching on the doilies and the Gocco print parrot art work!!! You really have a strong design aesthetic that is so consistent. Amazing.

Lori from ChicGeek Designs said...

Great mood board! It feels just like your blog. :-)

Meredith from PenelopeLovesLists said...

Oh, I love this. I absolutely adore the "Pool Blue". And, you did a great job representing your blog's style in the mood board. Beautiful.

renee said...

This is wonderful - I love the blue with the red stitching.

alix said...

Katie you have such a great delicate and feminine but still totally chic and modern. Love this!

kendalee said...

Could not be more perfect and evocative of your blog, which is lovely! :)

Miss B said...

My favorite so far, LOVE it all! Stitching? You get a gold star;)

Allison said...

Pretty mood board Katie! I love the stitching too, and it certainly encapsulates your style to a tea!
Allison xx

Elizabeth said...

The red stitching! So creative- I'd never have thought of that!

Eliza Lynn Tobin said...

so wonderful! It completely represents your blog space, which is also beautiful!

SAAS said...

Beautiful! Love that none of the art on your board directly references the art history cannon.

Sasha (

Ani Tashjian said...

This is so lovely. Simple and perfect. It really represents your blog, which I had bookmarked ages ago even before the BYW class! What a great idea it is! I wish you the best.

Suze said...

Oh wow! Love it!
I'm obsessed with paper doilies lately (u can see some in my inspiration board too) and the way you put all together is so "you" and so "ArtWall"!
Great idea stitching the stuff on it!


Katrin said...

Brilliant! This mood board captures the look and feel of your blog 100%. Beautiful work.
I'm so glad to have you in our team!

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