What do you feel when you look at the images above? There's a definite theme to Jennifer Squires' photographs: quiet simplicity. I think if you walked into a room with her images displayed from floor to ceiling, your blood pressure would immediately drop and your worries would melt away. Jennifer and her husband Darren run their photography business from their home in London, Ontario, Canada. Jennifer is joining us today to answer a few questions about her photography, her business, and--well herself.
(AW) When did you start taking pictures, and are you self-taught or schooled?
(JS) I begged for a camera from a young age and eventually got my hands on a Kodak disc camera back when I was about ten, that might be when it all started. I ended up taking photography and print making in high school: twice, actually because I liked it so much. Then I went on to study photography in college and I now hold two diplomas.
(AW) I remember that disc camera. I think I had one, too. Wow, technology has really changed in our lifetime, no? Speaking of equipment, what is your favorite piece and what are you coveting?
(JS) Favourite piece of equipment? Hmmm, that's a tough one. I think my answer changes with the day. Today my favourite piece of equipment is my eye, I spent my morning location-scouting and saw many beautiful spots that I've noted for later when the weather is more appropriate. And really, it doesn't matter what kind of camera you have, it isn't the equipment that creates art. I covet a Hasselblad with a Phase One digital back.
(AW) Another 2-parter: what are your most and least favorite parts of running your business?
(JS) The best part of running my business is that I can make it into whatever I want it to be. Whether I'm inspired at 10am or 10pm it doesn't matter. The hardest part currently is marketing my work, I dream that one day I won't have to.
(AW) Any goals or resolutions for the new year?
(JS) I definitely plan to expand on my minimalist images, both the snowy scenes and seascapes.
(AW) Speaking of your images, which one is your most popular or best seller?
(JS) My most popular image currently is Elviage Pearl. (Above, right)
(AW) What's a teeny tiny thing that makes you happy?
(JS) Unexpectedly running into my husband during the work day.
What a fun surprise. It was so nice to get to know you a bit better, Jennifer. Thank you for sharing these bits and pieces.
great stuff!! Thanks!
Very nice work!
What a wonderful interview! Jennifer's work is just gorgeous!
Gorgeous! I'm a big fan of Jennifer's work!
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