I cleaned up my studio for the first time in probably 4 or 5 months on Monday. It was a slow burn over the months from good to bad to worse to pretty-much unusable. Here are the before pictures...

Ugh, it looks like an episode of hoarders, doesn't it? Really, I didn't care how it looked, it's basically a storage closet attached to my bedroom so nobody sees it but me and the mister. I cared how it made me feel, stepping foot in there: completely zapped and devoid of any inspiration or gusto. I also kept buying things I knew I already had. Someone's birthday coming up? No idea where my birthday cards are so I'll just buy a dumb card at Target. Glue stick? I'm sure I have one somewhere but I might as well get a new one and save myself the terror of looking for it. Bad. I had no plans to clean it on Monday, my intentions were to start my Christmas card project but then I couldn't find anything I needed and the clean-up ensued. The after:

Ta da! I know it's not Martha Stewart/Real Simple organized with lots of pretty boxes and expensive matching storage options, just boring plastic bins, but everything is neatly labeled and organized and I am feeling super-inspired. I started the X-mas card project right away (you can see evidence of this above) and I actually finished three other project I've had on my list for too long. I'll share them later.
Yay! That must feel awesome. Good luck with the Christmas card project!
Fantastic! My office could go for a makeover too.
I totally empathize. My studio is just a disaster area. I am really good at purging...everything but craft supplies. I have two bins full of stuff that have moved with me three times - and I've barely opened them. Good job on getting organized! It's so much easier for me to be creative in a clean and orderly space.
it totally is worthed. Good job ! Your lanterns are just so beautiful.
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