I'm signing off for a few days, but I'll leave on a high note with this image of my 4th grade Christmas. My mother handmade the "art aprons" for me and my doll Jenny and guess what? I still have them. I can only describe Christmas day at my house as "magical," not because we were showered with expensive gifts or the latest "it" toy, but because we always received something that was handmade with love by my parents aka Mr. and Mrs. Claus. Whether it was a puppet theatre, custom clothes for our babies, a rubber-band gun, a doll house or a nearly life-sized covered wagon, there was always something under the tree that nobody else had. The most special part about those gifts is that they withstood the test of time. I'm not exactly sure what happened to the covered wagon, but everything else made its way to my home 20+ years later and is waiting (patiently) for a new generation of love.
P.S. she made those pillows in the corner too, she's a star.
hiya katie!
Your comment made me laugh....haha (the creepy tree friend and the jewelled vintage tree friend). You are one of my fave new finds this year (I was cutting it close, seeing as 2010 is lurking around the corner, but hey...better late than never!). Have a very Merry Christmas and happy happy new year!
: )
Darling photo! I love what you wrote, it really bolsters me in the gift-giving approach we try to take with our son. This year I admit I went a little hog-wild with the Lego Star Wars toys but it's because I'm so strict all year. I couldn't help myself at Christmas this year (we got two ships and two figures, is that hog wild?)
Katers...way too cute. How special :)
Dear katie, that is such a gorgeous photo! Merry christmas and hope it was bright and merry for you! Love to you!
That is really cute. So great of your mom! I hope you had a Merry Christmas and hope your New Year is wonderful!
Dear Katie
(This is Mrs. Claus sending you a special message.)
Always remember that you are so easy to make happy.
When 4 years old, you were happy with a paint box and paper. A dollars worth of paint would keep you happy for a week (or until one color was empty--then we would make a special trip to Save-On Drugstore to shop for paint).
Always be happy with what you have. Stay creative in your life. And, give out much love unconditionally.
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