(AW) What's your favorite piece from Art Wall?
(MW) I'm so biased, I'm in love with Jess Gonacha Swift's art and You Simply Glow is simply amazing. I actually commissioned Jess to do a piece for my husband and I as a housewarming gift for ourselves for our first home, & it's the most amazing of everything amazing. Jess was actually a client of mine & we're collaborators together over at Spring, but before all of that it was just me going through her site and sighing, thinking it would be so cool to own her art & be her friend. I'm so lucky that I've gotten both her artwork & her friendship!
(AW) What is your most cherished handmade possession?
(MW) I have to go with my custom birdcage veil from CastleBride Couture. It was just the epitome of me, & it made me feel so classy & gorgeous (which ain't the norm!). Kirsten was a dream to work with, & I think I got more compliments on "my little hat" than anything else that day. Except for the chocolate peanut butter pie. Mmmm....chocolate peanut butter pie...
(wedding day image: Kate Leigh)
(AW) What is your favorite thing to do when you're not working?
(MW) There's so much I love doing on a day off, I don't know how I can possibly pick a fave! The thing that immediately comes to mind is packing up the Sunday Times or a great book, grabbing an iced-coffee, & heading to the park with my husband. We used to live near Riverside Park on the Upper West Side, & there were benches facing the water that just had our names on 'em. Now we live near a new park but haven't been there yet--it's been too cold since we moved in November. I just know a new spot is waiting. On a gorgeous day, there's nowhere else I want to be & nothing I'd rather do.
(AW) What's your favorite item in your handbag?
(MW) My Mom got tipped off that I wanted the Moleskine 2010 Daily Planners, which are a color a month box set. Every month is a different vibrant color, with a simple number on the cover to represent which month it is. While I can't go anywhere without my Google Calendar on my iPhone, I use my Moleskine planners to loosely map out my day, making sure I take care of the to dos without going too crazy. And they're so bright & pretty--they make me happy just looking at 'em!
(Image: Moleskines)
(AW) What's your favorite new item for spring?
(MW) I've become an adorned headband junkie, & it's so my hat for bad hair days. Being the quirky girl I am, I flock right to the flowers & feathers. LovMely, Featherbrain & LiveInStyle have great selections (I think the one pictured above is my fave!), but sometimes you can score great ones at Target (shhh-it's our secret!).
(Headband image: LiveInStyle)
(AW) I won't tell a soul, Michelle (wink). Thanks ever-so-much for this chat and the little peek inside your life (and your handbag).
Thanks so much for this interview, Katie! Just reading it & seeing the collage you did brought a smile to my face. ArtWall is the best!
I am loving your planner, Michelle. Very cool! Thanks for sharing all of the "quirky" things that make up the "When I Grow Up Coach".
Michelle- your pics are so colorful and pretty. I loved putting this together.
Michelle Ward featured on this already fabulous blog - it's like an explosion of ooey gooey goodness. Love it! Cheers to you both!
Dearest Katie, this is such a wonderful interview. :) Michelle is sooo fabulous and inspirational! Have a lovely merry happy week and love to yoU!
Y'all can't see me, but know there's blushy cheeks & toothy grinning a plenty! Thanks to you all!
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